Remaining residents near residential displacements asked how long is…
Early right-of-way acquisition will take place with certain properties beginning in late 2019. Removal of structures, foundations, and general grading will be performed. Typical GDOT erosion control measures will be implemented. These areas may be used by the Developer for construction activities and project needs. Final grading and site cleanup will commence at the end of work activities. This work includes reestablishment of natural vegetation and removal of any silt fence and other erosion control materials. Landscaping is not performed by GDOT contractors and is usually implemented under a separate agreement and by permission from GDOT with a local government or other stakeholder. These newly acquired properties will become GDOT right-of-way and as such, GDOT cannot commit to any additional landscaping beyond grassing due to maintenance concerns and the imminent need for the land to construct the project. GDOT does not perform maintenance of landscaped facilities within GDOT right-of-way, only allows its right-of-way to be landscaped and maintained by others under separate agreements. If a landscaping plan and agreement is in place, this work is typically performed at the completion of construction activities in the affected areas. Construction of the project is currently scheduled to begin in 2023.