I-85 Widening, Phase II (SR 53 to US 129)
The I-85 Widening, Phase II corridor improvements will provide relief by widening I-85 from two to three lanes in both directions from SR 53 to just north of US 129. Additional work on the project includes replacing one overpass bridge (SR 332) and six mainline bridges along I-85.
The I-85 Widening, Phase II project will be delivered and open to traffic four years ahead of the original schedule. Construction began in June 2021.
In accordance with social distancing practices, instead of a typical in-person groundbreaking ceremony, Georgia DOT produced a video to celebrate this momentous occasion. We encourage you to watch the video, which includes remarks from Georgia DOT leadership, members of the project team, and local leaders.
Project Map

Interactive Timeline
- 2016
- Q4 2019
- Late-2020/Early-2021
- 2021
- 2023
Late 2020/Early 2021
2Awarded design-builder began the final design of the project. The consultant teams design an initial 30% of the project. The design is handed over to the selected design-builder to complete and construct. -
Noise Barriers
Noise barriers will be evaluated as part of this project in accordance with the Georgia DOT noise policy and Federal Highway Administration noise regulations. Property owners and renters who would benefit from a proposed noise barrier were given the opportunity to participate in noise barrier voting. Download a noise barrier fact sheet here.
Contact Information
Email: 85Widening@dot.ga.gov
Phone: 404-347-0185
Mailing Address: One Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree NW, Atlanta, GA, 30308