How are noise barrier locations determined?
A Noise Impact Assessment Study will be conducted to determine the acoustic impact of the proposed project and the need for abatement measures on noise sensitive receivers (e.g., residences and public outdoor spaces, etc.). During the planning phase, the analysis will focus on identifying potentially impacted noise sensitive receivers. Final location of noise barriers will be determined during final design with the input of affected landowners and residents. Benefited landowners and residents will be invited to participate and vote on whether they would like to have the barrier constructed. Only at that point will a final decision be made. For the walls/barriers to be installed the vote will need to be over 50 percent in favor.
The determination of noise impacts and abatement measures will comply with Title 23, Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Part 772, and the GDOT’s policies for highway noise barrier construction. More information regarding the GDOT’s noise barrier policy can be found in the GDOT’s Environmental Procedures Manual
Additional information concerning the FHWA’s guidelines is available at